Date: December 29, 2018
How many days in Nusa Penida? This will be the question many will have in mind before they travel to Nusa Penida.
To visit Nusa Penida, for us, you need at least 4 days, means you need 5 days 4 nights in Nusa Penida. Here, let’s us elaborate more in details.
Date: August 11, 2017
The should-not-be-missed-spots are the Angel Billabong, Broken Beach, Kelingking Secret Point and the Crystal Beach. The waves in some areas, like the Broken Beach, are really huge, so swimming is strictly prohibited. But we enjoyed snorkeling at the Crystal Beach few hours before we depart the island. So, if you’re up for a little adventure and down to stray from the usual circuit of Bali, then I highly suggest a visit to Nusa Penida.