Tumpek Landep Bali is celebrated every 210 days in Bali calender. This year – 2017, is celebrated today – 2nd September 2017.
Our office – Nice Tour Bali – as usual years, we are having this ceremony on going, and hired prayers from a “Mangku” – holy man, and gathered all friends and families, praying together in our happy office.
At ancient time in Bali, people worshiped their tools such as knifes, or known as “Keris”, spears etc.
At modern time in Bali, we worship our metal built weapons/ tools such as laptops, desktops, printers, fax machines, telephone, cars, motorbikes, washing machines.. anything who helps us in our daily routine, which we used to make our life better and easier.
We thank gods for these blessings.
NOTE: Tumpek Landep is Balinese language. “Tumpek means ‘close (to)’ and the”landep” means ‘sharp’. It means ‘close to sharp’, means “Keris”(knife). In ancient time, “Keris” (knife) is few object made with metal, and were used in battles. In Bali, “Keris” (knife) is considered as holy.
Some pictures to show what was happening today in our office.
First, thank to laptop a lot.. without laptop, we can’t close sales.
We worship fax machine in office during Tumpek Landep Festival Bali.
We worship or daily use – printer in office.
Offices is filled with flowers and colors.
We use flowers during praying ceremony.
We are having big ceremony in office, all friends and families are here for the prayers.
The priest is leading the praying ceremony during Tumpek Landep Festival.
We worship cars as cars help us to move around easily.
We also worship motorbike in Bali
Our little temple at office. We thank god for what we are having now.
We worship using fruit, foods and flowers.
We thank gods for giving us cars, motorbikes, computers, telephones, machines to make our daily life easier.
Tumpek Landep Festival Bali – a day to feel thankful for what we are having.. thank you..
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